- Deformations of Kalck-Karmazyn algebras via Mirror Symmetry, preprint (2024)
(with J. Tevelev)
- Homological mirror symmetry for Rabinowitz Fukaya categories of Milnor fibers of Brieskorn-Pham singularities, preprint (2024)
(with K. Ueda)
- Noncommutative crepant resolutions of \(cA_n\) singularities via Fukaya categories, preprint (2023)
(with J. Evans)
- Equivariant Fukaya categories at singular values, preprint (2023) slides video
(with E. Segal)
- On homological mirror symmetry for the complement of a smooth ample divisor in a K3 surface, Kyoto J. Math. 64(2): 557-564 (2024)
(with K. Ueda)
- Homological mirror symmetry for symmetric squares of punctured spheres, Advances in Mathematics 418 (2023), 63 pp.
(with A. Polishchuk)
- Symplectic cohomology of compound Du Val singularities, Annales Henri Lebesgue, Volume 6 (2023), pp. 727--765. slides
(with J. Evans)
- A symplectic look at the Fargues-Fontaine curve, Forum of Math., Sigma (2022), vol 10:e16 1--40. video
(with D. Treumann)
- Homological mirror symmetry for Milnor fibers of simple singularities Algebraic Geometry 8 (5) (2021) 562--586 slides
(with K. Ueda)
- The symplectic geometry of higher Auslander algebras: symmetric products of disks, Forum of Math. Sigma (2021) volume 9:e10 1--49.
video (by Dyckerhoff)
(with T. Dyckerhoff and G. Jasso)
- Homological mirror symmetry for higher dimensional pairs of pants, Compositio Mathematica (2020), 1310--1347.
(with A. Polishchuk)
- Homological mirror symmetry for Milnor fibers via moduli of \(A_\infty\)-structures, Journal of Topology, 15:1058-1106 (2022)
(with K. Ueda)
- Derived equivalences of gentle algebras via Fukaya categories, Mathematische Annalen (2020), 187--225. video0 , video1 , video2
(with A. Polishchuk)
- Embedding all contact 3-manifolds in a fixed contact 5-manifold, Journal of the London Mathematical Society (2019), vol. 99, 52--68.
(with J. Etnyre)
- Auslander orders over nodal stacky curves and partially wrapped Fukaya categories, Journal of Topology 11 (2018), no. 3, 615--644. video
(with A. Polishchuk)
- Fukaya categories of plumbings and multiplicative preprojective algebras, Quantum Topol. 10 (2019), 777--813 video
(with T. Etgü)
- Duality between Lagrangian and Legendrian invariants, Geometry & Topology 27 (2023), 2049--2179
(with T. Ekholm)
- Associative Yang-Baxter equation and Fukaya categories of square-tiled surfaces, Advances in Mathematics (2019), vol. 343, 273--315.
(with A. Polishchuk)
- Arithmetic mirror symmetry for genus 1 curves with \(n\) marked points, Selecta Mathematica (2017), 1851--1907.
(with A. Polishchuk)
- Generating the Fukaya categories of Hamiltonian G-manifolds, Journal of the American Mathematical Society (2019), no. 1, 119--162. video
(with J. Evans)
- Koszul duality patterns in Floer theory, Geometry & Topology 21 (2017) 3313--3389
(with T. Etgü)
- A modular compactification of \(\mathcal{M}_{1,n}\) from \(A_\infty\)-structures, 45 pp., J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle) (2017)
(with A. Polishchuk)
- Floer cohomology of the Chiang Lagrangian, Selecta Mathematica 21 (2015), no. 4, 1361--1404.
(with J. Evans)
- Floer cohomology of \(\mathfrak{g}\)-equivariant Lagrangian branes, Compositio Mathematica 152 (2015), 1071--1110.
(with J.Pascaleff)
- Arithmetic mirror symmetry for the 2-torus, 112 pp., preprint (2012) video
(with T. Perutz)
- The symplectic topology of some rational homology balls, Commentarii Mathematics Helvetici 89 (2014), no. 3, 571--596. video
(with M. Maydanskiy)
- Fukaya categories of the torus and Dehn surgery, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108 (2011), no. 20, 8106--8113. video
(with T. Perutz)
- Planar open books with four binding components, Algebraic & Geometric Topology 11 (2011), no. 2, 909--928.
- Milnor fillable contact structures are universally tight, Math. Res. Lett. 17 (2010), no. 6, 1055--1063.
(with B. Ozbagci)
- Geometric composition in quilted Floer theory, Advances in Mathematics 236 (2013), 1--23.
Corrigendum, Advances in Mathematics 308 (2017), 1340--1345.
(with M. Lipyanskiy)
- Examples of planar tight contact structures with support norm one, Int. Math. Res. Not. 2010, no. 19, 3723--3728.
(with T. Etgü)
- Heegaard Floer homology of broken fibrations over the circle, Advances in Mathematics 244 (2013), 268--302.
- Wrinkled fibrations on near-symplectic manifolds, Geometry & Topology 13 (2009) no. 1, 277--318.